By Team Clofus Innovations | Mon Jan 17 2022
Hugo is not officially available for some linux platforms like Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat etc, but un official versions of hugo are available, Here are the 10 simple procedures on how to install hugo in Centos7
First we need the repositary informations of hugo so visit the above link
In this page you can see the list of available platforms for hugo, select your appropriate os on ‘REPO Download’ column
After opening your respective download a new page containing your repository details will appear, go ahead and copy the whole text
Now on your Centos machine go to folder
create a file (for ex) hugo.repo (or) run the below command
sudo vi hugo.repo
Press ‘i’ key and paste the copied repositary details
Now save and exit ny pressing ‘esc’ key and then type ‘:wq’ and press ‘Enter’
Now run the below command
sudo yum update
After it is updated, run command below command
sudo yum install hugo
Once it gets completed run the below command
hugo version
Congratulations! You have installed hugo on your centos machine